Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Save completely

Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews7:25

Completely. I am saved completely, not just in part, because he is able to do that. He is able to do what I am not able to do for myself. O happy day. O happy day! he is able to savemefrommyself...from that part of me that wants to do everything for myself (including salvation)...from that part of me that part of me that always says "yes, but"...from that part of me. Trained to believe a new _______ will make everything better.

mission, stop looking to consumerism or good works to save me or fix my problems or make me feel better.

Application. go a day without looking for a different car. That won't fix anything. Attend to some things needed by those in relationship with me

Prayer. Save me completely, God. Help me turn to you and not look to consumerism to save myself or to other means to save myself. O happy day. Amen.

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